We invite you to join the Valpo Schools Foundation in improving and enhancing opportunities for students by making a donation today.
▪ Annual Fund Giving ▪ Memorial or Tribute Gifts ▪ Endowed Gifts
▪ Education License Plates ▪ Donations
The foundation is pleased to offer the following giving levels:
▪ Senior: $1,000 or more ▪ Junior: $500 – $999
▪ Sophomore: $100 – $499 ▪ Freshman: $5 – $99
The Foundation maintains several endowment funds for the purpose of sustaining long-term support of various educational projects. Earnings from these permanent funds are used annually to benefit Valparaiso Community Schools students. Donations can be made to any of the following endowment funds at any time. Additionally, a new endowed fund can be established with a minimum donation of $10,000.
Below is a list of named scholarships that are given out through the Valpo Schools Foundation. Contributions can be made to any of these funds. Please contact the Valpo Schools Foundation for more information.
Bryce Drew Scholarship Fund, Kenneth A. Brist Scholarship Fund, Peter and Rosann Candela Fund, Robert L. Koenig Family Scholarship Fund, Eichorn Family Scholarship Fund, Charles “Skip” Bird Scholarship Fund, Gary Webster Memorial Scholarship